Six on Saturday

Having been inspired by the meme Six on Saturday, I’d better get on and do mine, I think.  Here goes.  It’s Tulip Time.  Oh, and because I have absolutely no self-control in these matters, there are seven for this Six on Saturday.  Don’t hate me…


Tulip Charming Lady.  And charming it definitely is.  New to me this year, and I’ll be growing it again.



Tulip Brownie.  This is the second year I’ve grown Brownie, and it’s a gorgeous little tryer, never discomposed by the weather.



Tulip Danceline.  Another one that’s new to me this year.



Tulip Silk Road. Again, new this year.  And it has a lovely fragrance.



Tulip Dream Touch.  Another lovely one, and so far immune to wind and rain.



Tulip Huis Ten Bosch.  Another new one.  Do I like it?  Not sure yet, but it’s definitely different.

My seventh pick is a mistake I made.  Last November, I sorted out the previous spring’s tulip bulbs into those that would flower again, and those that were too small to flower.  There were a lot that were too small.  So, what to do with them?  Give them the chance to grow on for next year?  Or compost them?  In the end, they went in to a new bed that had been sheeted over for a season, but as yet didn’t have a planting plan.  They were just planted in rows, with no finesse.  I expected a lot of leaf, and maybe the odd flower.  This was what I got:



I wonder where I’m going to put them all when it comes back round to planting time?

Six on Saturday as a meme was started here:

I blame him.  :~))





21 thoughts on “Six on Saturday”

  1. Wow, Jo, your tulips are magnificent! And that’s great that so many small bulbs bloomed for you — they must be happy in your soil. Thanks for sharing the loveliness, Best, -Beth

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am not a fan of tulips, always look too regimented (always excepting species tulips of course). But you have some of the most non-tulipy tulips I have seen! Brownie is a real stunner

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha! :~))) Non-tulipy tulips… I’ll say this quietly – when I took one of the Silk Road tulips in to show my gardening groups, there was a brief debate about whether it was a peony… I love the species tulips, too, but they’ve provided too much fodder for the wretched squirrels. Now I just have a few in a pot.


  3. I’m not a major fan of tulips but all of these do look glorious, Jo! I love Charming Lady. That bed could be a cutting bed? Why not plant them again and cut them for vases…how lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Charming Lady is beautiful. I only have a group of ten, but they all go though colour changes of lemons and apricots and pinks. That bed is a terrace bed at the front of the house. It’s difficult to garden because you have to clamber into it from a flight of steps (there’s another one on the other side), but it has to stay because it’s almost certainly stopping the house from sliding down the hill onto the front lawn. But now I’m thinking of alternating tulips and dahlias in there, with a supporting cast of annuals and biennials, and backed by a trellis full of clematis. But I do have another sheeted over area in the back garden…. :~))


  4. What a lovely colourful border your’mistake’ is. If I had a mistake like that, I’d be very pleased indeed. I’m planting tulips for the first time (in the Southern Hemisphere) so I’ll be very interested to see how they perform. I particularly like your ‘Brownie’.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Yes, I was indeed pleased (as well as gobsmacked and awed…). Apparently the key to getting even finicky tulips to come back for another year is deep planting (6-8 inches), lots of food like fish blood and bone, summer baking and a cold winter. The ‘rejects’ had all of that this year. Southern hemisphere? Does that mean that yours will get to spend a season in your fridge? :~)) Good luck with them! I hope you have a wonderful show.


      1. Thank you. We are going in to winter soon and the nights here are quite cold- only 2 degrees C tonight-so I don’t have to put the bulbs in the fridge. I’ve been planting my spring flowering bulbs over the last couple of weeks and I hope I planted them deep enough!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I have become a bit partial to a peony flowered tulip this year, Angelique having been a surprise star of the show. I normally bin my teeny bullets but now i see the error of my ways. Deep it is. Nice six/seven! See you again soon I hope.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was a tiny bit depressed to see Monty Don cutting stems of his Danceline tulips for a vase. I swear he’s got a stick stuck down each of them! Mine are waving around all over the place, which is the trouble with the big doubles, I suppose. Never mind, because my flowers were definitely bigger than his, and mine are still flowering beautifully, even if some of them are horizontal! :~))

      Angelique are lovely, and a tried and tested variety. Stick with them! Hope you have luck with your teeny bullets…

      I’m trying to catch up with myself right now, but hopefully I’ll have six (at least!) for Saturday. Oh, wait… That’s today. Later, then. :~))


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