Tuesday Treats

It’s time for the Tuesday Treats Nature Table again.

Do have a guess at what you’re seeing.  Even if you don’t get everything, or the whole of a plant’s name. it’s great to just have a go.

Let’s see what you make of this week’s offerings.


1  Edited to add: Sedum spathulifolium ‘Cape Blanco’.

Glynis's 1 A


2  Edited to add: Ajuga reptans ‘Burgundy Glow’

Glynis's Ajuga Burgundy Glow A


3  The plant, please, but Brownie points for the wildlife.

Edited to add:  Buddleia globosa, with honey bee

Hugh's Buddleia globosa A


4  Edited to add:  Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’, or honeywort.

Hugh's Cerinthe A


5  Again, the plant, please, but Brownie points for the wildlife.

Edited to add:  Sent simply as Nepeta (catmint).  ‘Walker’s Low’ would be a good guess – this is a very popular variety, but it might be one of the other varieties.  The insect is a bee, but my expertise goes no further than that!

Hugh's Nepeta A


6  Edited to add:  Dutch Iris ‘Carmen’, a little different to the normal sorts.

Jo's Dutch Iris Carmen A


7  Yes, I’ve managed to include my thumb.

Edited to add:  Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’.  Most years, it only turns this pink colour when the petals are about to fall, but the weather this year seems to have persuaded it to be pretty in pink for most of the life of the snowball flowers.

Jo's Viburnum opulus roseum 2 A


Good luck!

Edited to add – A pat on the back to anyone who had a go.  A virtual chocolate to anyone who got any of them right!

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